Friday, June 30, 2017

Fifteen Years of Goodbyes and A Bag of Rocks

For a dozen years death came to my life every couple of years. It started in April 2002 when our family lost our mother. It was sudden. It was gut wrenching. It was difficult to feel in my heart that this was the end of her on earth with us. It was heartbreaking to watch her slip away from us. I recall slowly watching her heart rate drop from Friday evening until Monday evening, praying with her and two of my sisters for her salvation, and knowing when she took her last breath she went home to be with Jesus. A joyous day in Heaven, a heartrending day for her family. By 2012, I realized someone from one branch or another of my family had died. As we get older, we start to expect it.

What I didn’t expect was to all of a sudden lose someone every year. That is too much! That started in 2014, when we lost Dillon's dad, Rich. In 2015 Uncle Jack, 2016 BJ, and 2017 my oldest brother Ronnie…TOO MUCH!

After Rich died, there was concern for his then ten year old son. How will he handle that kind of a loss? Does he need to be in counseling? After some research he joined a group of middle schoolers at the Dougy Center. What a phenomenal place! He could share as much or as little as he wanted or nothing at all. There was never any pressure. Bonus, while he met with his like-situation peers mom met with her like-situation peers. We met for ninety minutes twice a month.

Two years after losing his dad, he was getting emotional as the loss was now settling into his heart and his mind. Dad is not coming home. He was struggling adjusting to school, adjusting to the finality of dad in Heaven, adjusting to his new life. The morning of October 20, 2016 he woke up an emotional mess, he broke down for one of the first times in a long time and told me how much he was missing his daddy. My heart ached for his heart. We sat on my bed and both sobbed. It was a difficult morning but it was also a morning of progress on this long road known as grief.  Little did we know, we would lose his brother that very night. Little did I know that the following day I would have to sit him down and tell him his brother was gone, he was in an accident, and in the blink of an eye we won't see him until we are gone. Just when he thought he was adjusting to life without dad, when he thought he was ready to leave the Dougy Center, his brother was gone. Now he was thankful for the Dougy Center. Thankful to be among peers that had stories of their own, peers that understand. As helpful as the Dougy Center has been for Dillon that is equally true for me. I have made connections, I have heard stories, I have shared stories, we have shared our grief. The Dougy Center is a safe place to share whatever you are feeling in the moment or share nothing and just listen to others.  Once again, Dillon has decided he is ready to leave the Dougy Center and because the Dougy Center is for children and because I have allowed Dillon to steer his own journey of grief, I also must allow him the decision to stop going when he feels he is ready. This past Monday night was our last night at the Dougy Center. The Dougy Center has an informal time of goodbye when someone leaves and Dillon enjoyed his last time with this group; although we are able to return at any time. I, on the other hand, am not in the same place in my journey and the good byes were difficult. They have a little ritual when someone leaves. In our adult group, I picked four rocks from their bucket of rocks. Usually they suggest three smooth ones to represent how far you have come in this process and one rough one showing there is still room for more grief and growth. They provide a small bag for the rocks and then we pass the bag of rocks around the room and each person can share their experience of my participation in the group or if they don't know me they can just wish me well in the future. It was hard to say goodbye, it was hard to share why I was there, who I had lost and how they died. I still could not get through that without tears.
Picking out my rocks was a weird experience. How does one pick out rocks? As I looked in the bucket and rummaged my hand around, I saw a green one and I felt a little glimmer in my heart. It was like BJ was saying, "pick me, mom, pick me". It was a smooth rock, a slightly shiny rock, but to me it represented my smooth and steady love for my son, now in Heaven. So, you could say I was "pulling a BJ" and breaking the rock rules! I picked my four rocks a little differently. One would catch my eye and it would represent something about that person and not where I am at in this endless cycle of grief. I don't think there are any rocks quite as jagged as I feel most of the time.

This rock, "an angel's wing" represents Rich, Dillon's angel in Heaven.
This rock is my version of Salt Lake, where my brother Ronnie lived for many years.
I have two beautiful green rocks, neither one jagged, one shinier than the other.
Both for my precious boy in Heaven. BJ's favorite color was green. 
BJ would say, "they are just rocks, mom". They are just rocks, rocks that remind me I had a group of people that welcomed me, let me cry, let me talk, and let me cry some more. People that felt my pain as I shared for the first time that I had just lost my oldest son, people that cried with me, people that did not judge how I was handling it or how I am doing. People that just let me be me.

As I continue in life, I will never be ready for the next one that dies. I won't be any more prepared than any of the other times, but I do know there will be a next time.

For more information on the Dougy Center, the National Center for Grieving Children & Families:

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Clear Lake, Stars, and Good Memories

Even though you weren't physically there this year, son…it was said by many…you were there! A favorite picture of you, taken at your last camping trip to Clear Lake, was posted on two trees near the campfire.  There was plenty of Coors Light and mama passed the moonshine around the campfire. You know, the moonshine we brought back from Tennessee, on our way home from South Carolina.  A trip I will be forever grateful for in so many ways and for so many reasons. I am also grateful that I took your baby brother and went camping at Clear Lake. A camping trip you should've been on instead of me. But when life gives us lemons, we make lemonade and that was my lemonade of the situation.

Your girls, you know…Amanda and Kristy…they knew you were there. I was told on the first night, after dark, when things were in a bit of disarray…I don't know all the details about that, son, but I do know your girls felt comfort in your presence with them.  As they walked out to the clearing by the lake and looked up, they encountered more stars in the sky than they've ever seen there. They were amazed by the spectacular display and knew it was you. You, letting them know you are with them…always. I had to chuckle to myself, because both Amanda and Kristy were so enthralled by that display…mama may have heard that story twice. :D 

It was a good time. I met more of your friends. They always make me feel welcome, although I can sometimes see in their eyes they don't know what to say to me. I suppose I would be the same way meeting the mom of a good friend that died. What does one say? I'm sorry for your loss. Are you doing ok? He should be here.  But, it's ok and I'm ok…or at least better than I was six months ago…on most days anyway. It's still very difficult not to break down when the emotions get too high or the thoughts get too deep and before you know it…bam,  I'm crying a river of tears again because I miss you so damn much! I often hear from many people…I just want one more of his bear hugs, I want to see that big infectious smile one more time, I just want one more conversation with him. But, you know what? ONE MORE would not be enough. It wouldn't be enough for me and it wouldn't be enough for you. So, hold on to the last one you had…the last hug, the last smile, the last conversation; because some people may not even recall their last and if you do, you are one of the lucky ones.

And so the story goes…I had a great time at Clear Lake…well, at least the first night! Mama needs to remember…she can't party like it's 1999 or like she's 29. As it goes sometimes, I had a great time, I might of drank a bit much, but I was with good people, sharing good stories, missing a great man. I imagine you with that mischievous grin on your face, watching the camp show from above…loving that your mom was there…being her somewhat obnoxious self…and even possibly shaking your head at me! :D

Above all the fun, all the memories, all the stories…it just breaks my heart to see one friend in particular and the overwhelming sadness he feels everyday. We took a walk, we had a great conversation, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and he grieves for you every single day, son. He remembered how he felt a year ago, when you drove into camp, and the words you asked him when you stepped out of your truck and his amazement that you would even ask if you two "were ok". But, as a person going through a divorce we don't know how mutual friends feel or how we (the impending divorce') will be received. I think we too often don't give people enough credit and too many people forget their friends are getting a divorce and that doesn't mean they are divorcing the friends. Friends shouldn't have to choose sides. But regardless, this is about your friend missing you and remembering a year ago when you were there and not being able to share this with me without many tears. I am continually amazed by the magnitude of lives you so profoundly touched, and continue to touch, here on earth. They all take care of me, you know? Your friends, your brothers. The relationships have grown much deeper. People are showing they care about each other, making sure one another knows they are loved.

When I look at the big picture of how things are with you in Heaven, your death has brought a lot of pain, a lot of heartache, but it has also brought a lot of love, a lot of new friendships, and deepened many others. Still, from Heaven, you amaze me in what is happening here...all...because you aren't here.

Big shout out to Bob and Kristy…Happy Birthday friends!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Mixed Emotions and a Campfire

Today, I am headed to the "Clear Lake Campout". A campout with BJ's friends. A campout I have never went on and a campout he rarely missed.  Last year was the first year he went alone as it was shortly after the divorce stuff began. BJ was a mess. He told me many things about that trip, but they were personal to him and they will stay that way.  BJ has a wonderful group of friends, all across the state of Oregon and beyond. I have had a bonfire with his Central Oregon peeps, I am now camping out with his St. Helens peeps (that's what I call the Hall et al group! LOL), and in a month I will be hanging out in Colorado with his (oh Lord, what do I even call Kyle!?)...well his little mini me of the later years. I say that because in his pre-adult life his baby brother, Bryan, was "baby BJ" or "baby nickel", as their friends called him. I am blessed to have all these "kids" in my life and so very grateful that they welcome me as "mom", "mama", "momma", and "ma". 

In the spring of 2016, BJ and I talked about me and Little D going camping with "them" that summer. But when divorce chaos arose that didn't happen. I am thankful for our cross country trip to South Carolina to visit Kyle, Allison, and Baby John though! I am blessed that his last vacation was shared with me and I will treasure that time forever.

I haven't camped in a tent…in…well…a good 20+ years! Dillon and I have never tent camped together. We have been in a yurt, teepee, and a cabin or two…but never a tent. If one of us doesn't come home, please forgive and bless the survivor!!! 😎 LOL

I am excited for this campout. I have no idea what to expect, but I anticipate it to be much like it was when Bill and I took BJ and Bryan camping with Uncle Jack and Aunt Terrie…and all the others we drug along with us at one time or another. Just a bunch of good people getting together for a little R & R along the lake! Oh heck…who am I kidding…I pretty much expect it to be a two day "let it all out and do what you want" time for mama cause she doesn't have to drive anywhere! She'll be with God, nature, and family…let the good times roll!  I imagine there will be stories of BJ and the "crazy" he brought to camp. I even imagine there might be some tears at his absence this year. But it's all good…we're with family,  we're loved, and the more tears the merrier when you're grieving!

Stay tuned to hear how this adventure goes.
Their "towel hero"! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy Birthday Bill

Life seems to happen in increments; especially these days. I focus on "what's next" to get me through from one moment, one day, one week to another. This frame of mind began 8 months ago June 21; the day I got that dreadful news…a day after our son died.  From that moment my focus was to tell his little brother, then to plan his celebration, get through the celebration…all without falling apart, all with heartbreaking thoughts of his little girl and what she was feeling and how her little six year old mind was understanding that her daddy is now in Heaven and he wouldn't be picking her up from school any more. He wouldn't be taking her to the park to play anymore. He wouldn't be with her…physically…anymore. My heart breaks for that little one.

After the immediate focus, my focus was the holidays. They would never be as I had known them to be for 35 years. There would be one less person to buy gifts for, there would be one less person at our dinner table, and my son was gone…in the blink of an eye, he was gone.  How could I possibly get through the holidays? How can I possibly help his baby brother when I, myself am falling apart? Prayers, strength, and God's Grace; that's how. I mustered up what I needed to, even though I don't necessarily know what that was. I got through the holidays, then I got through my conferences, Dillon's birthday, the first time to his cross, Mother's Day, his birthday, his daughter's birthday, and Father's Day. As Father's Day approached, my thoughts and grief went to his dad because no matter how I was feeling about BJ not being here on Father's Day, with his daughter on Father's Day…he also was not with his dad, his dad did not get a phone call from him. I know how this feels; I just made it through Mother's Day. YES, I made it through Mother's Day; I am on the other side now. His dad made it through Father's Day.

Today, June 20th, 8 months since our son went home to Jesus, is his dad's birthday. My heart aches for him. I know he is in a much different place than I am. I have a different support group. I have a different social life. I have my blog. I have my friends. We both have our family, but he is in a much different place in his grief journey than I am.  I hurt for him, not just today, but every day because I don't think he knows how to process the loss of our child. He doesn't have the distractions that I do. I hurt for him. I cry for him.  Even though Bill and I have been divorced for 17 years, I still hurt for him in this process. I want to take him aside and tell him it's ok to hurt, it's ok to cry, but don't forget it's ok to live too. We can't bring our son back, because trust me I WOULD IF I COULD, but we can honor him and his memory every single day. BJ would not want any of us to stop living…SO DON'T.

Bill, I'm sorry our oldest son died, and I'm sorry he died on the 20th of a month, because one anniversary date every year will always be on your birthday. I'm sorry for your pain, as I know it all too well. Hold on to the memories you created with him and know that you will one day, with God's Grace, be together again.

Happy Birthday, Bill, father of BJ, our son in Heaven and father of Bryan, our son still with us. May peace be in your heart today.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Thinking Back

Thinking back…
I started writing my feelings down when I knew I was going to start this blog, so when it seems like I am jumping around chronologically…I am! Even though it is now June 16, 2017, it would be a disservice to others suffering or grievers following my blog not to share ALL the feelings and thoughts of this journey.

Written March 17, 2017
Is it just too much that he is on my mind all the time. Is it too much that I talk about him all the time? Is it too much what I share on social media? Is it too much?

My son died! So, in my mind it is not too much. But do I keep others from closing that door? Do my outbursts on social media just keep drudging up the past? It is unbearable to think that my pain could be causing others unnecessary pain. I don't want to do that. But, I don't want to forget my son. I don't want anyone to forget my son. Is that even possible? I find myself wanting to say something to him so I have been doing that on social media. Is that wrong? 

 That is part of the reason I have decided to do this blog. A place where I don't have to suffer in silence from a pain far greater than any I have felt before.  I can speak what's on my mind…to BJ…to others that are grieving. I can express how much I miss him. I can share the hole that is in my heart; a different hole than he had in his heart. That one can be repaired; this one cannot. I believe that mine can become smaller if I have a place to take my journey of grief. A place where no other living soul has to be unless they want to be. A place where they know they can grieve with me.

Today, June 16, 2017…Forget-YOU-Not-Friday
He is still on my mind all the time, I still talk about him quite often, but I have come a long way in three months. I still share on Facebook, but I save my gut wrenching and raw feelings for my blog…a safe place that I have provided for myself and for others that are grieving…a place where no one has to come unless they want to.

As I sit here, on this rainy morning in Oregon, I am thinking back to all that I have been through in just this last three months, since March 17th…

  • One spring break (spent in Central Oregon, with his daughter)
  • My first trip to his cross at the accident site 
  • A Central Oregon bonfire with his friends, in his honor
  • Two conferences
  • Four holidays, including my first Mother's Day without my son
  • The death of my oldest brother and a trip to Salt Lake City
  • His 36th Birthday, celebrated with family and close friends, without him here
  • My second trip to his cross, on his birthday
  • His daughters 7th Birthday without him

As we approach Father's Day, his dad's birthday, an annual camping trip to Clear Lake, the 4th of July, his brother Bryan's birthday, his "Chicka's" birthday, and my trip to Colorado to visit one of his best friends family…all to come in the next six weeks…my heart aches for what these days will mean for those people. Father's Day for his daughter, Father's Day for his dad, an annual camping trip where he will only be in spirit, the 4th of July where friends and family that have spent with him but no longer will, his brother's birthday with no phone call or text message from his "big brother", my trip to Colorado that will begin on the 9th month of his death…and Chicka…who will begin her "firsts" this July; including her first birthday without him.  They only had four months together, but in that four months they shared their lifetime and she misses him like crazy and will soon begin her "firsts".

Through all of this, my message to you is…Don’t take one single day, one single moment for granted. In the blink of an eye your world can change drastically, change forever, and you will never see it coming. Hug your babies, honor your parents, love your spouses and if your marriage is in disarray; fix it, fight for it. Don't be in the majority of today with the mindset that it's easier to give up, get a divorce, and move on. You made the commitment and it is your responsibility to do your very best to keep it intact. Make sure your children know they are loved; praise them daily, they need it. Praise them for the little things, not just the things that are known as "accomplishments".  Praise them for putting the dishes away, for mowing the yard, for taking out the garbage! Tell them you love them EVERY SINGLE DAY; even when they grow up, move away, and have families of their own…they need to still hear that!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads that read this, to all the dads in Heaven, to my dad, Dillon's dad, BJ and Bryan's dad, and to my boys…BJ in Heaven and Bryan in Oregon; two of the very best dad's kids could have. I love you deeply, I love you unconditionally, and I love you forever!
Bill and BJ, love their smiles!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Celebrating Father's Day

As we approach Father's Day this coming Sunday, it brings many emotions within me. It's natural to grow up and sometime in your adult life you lose your parents. It's not easy, but in our minds it is the natural flow of things. I miss my dad every year on Father's Day and I miss my mom every year on Mother's Day, as well as just about every single day…but it's been a natural process for me. What has not been a natural process for me is the past two and now approaching three Father's Days. 

As many of you know, we lost my youngest sons father on September 14, 2014, by sudden death. A complication that arose from surgery, causing a massive stroke that he was unable to recover from.  So, as we approached the first Father's Day without him in 2015, I asked my then 11 year old son how he would like to spend the day. After all, this loss was more about him than anyone else. How unthinkable that a child lose their parent, that is NOT the natural flow as we know it. He simply stated that he didn't do anything special with his dad on Father's Day, he was just with him…spending time with him. I respected that and told him that if he decided he wanted to do anything to let me know and we would do it. A child has to be able to steer their own grief process and be allowed to feel what they feel when they feel it. I kept a watchful eye over him that week and on Father's Day early in the evening, as I was thinking about winding down for the day, he asked if we could go to a movie. Even though my thought was crawling into bed and watching a chick flick, I honored my word and off we went to a movie. He wanted to see Furious 7, and even though I had not seen ANY of the Fast and Furious movies, we were off. I loved the movie, so much that we had a marathon of all F & F movies over the next couple of days and then I bought them all! It was a great time. As we were walking to our car, we reminisced about the last movie we had seen with his dad, at this very theater, about a month before he died. As we were talking, an overwhelming feeling came over me and I had one of those ah-ha moments…we were learning to live life without his dad. I knew in that moment we were both going to be fine in spite of the great loss we were feeling. 

As we approached Father's Day last year, I once again asked Dillon what he would like to do and if he would like to go to a movie. He said, "mom, I would really like to call BJ (who was at his dad's) because he was really there for me when I lost dad and he's been like a second dad to me. And mom, he's going through a really bad time with his divorce and all."  My heart melted with those words and I felt proud that my son was thinking of someone more than himself on a difficult day of the year for him personally. BJ was surprised and very thankful that his little brother felt that way. Once again, he and I also went to a movie and now we have our own Father's Day tradition. Not because I think of myself in the role of dad, but because we do it to honor his dad. I believe that every child should know both parents whenever possible. In our situation, I am NOT his dad nor can I ever fill that role. I am a single parent that is forced to raise a child without the physical support of the other parent. I have "a village" that helps when I need it and when I ask. Even though, at 13, and in many ways Dillon is independent I have to travel for work a few times a year. I no longer have the "convenience" for him to go to his dad's, so I have a village of family and friends that step in and keep him a night or two or three. I am forever grateful for that support group. 

I have already put in my budget movie $$$ for this Father's Day and it will once again be Dillon's choice for which movie we see. But it is a bittersweet year as I think of my granddaughter that is approaching her first Father's Day without her daddy. I pray that her heart is protected from pain, that God lift her from sorrow, and that her mom continues to provide her with love and a stable environment and will always be compassionate and understanding of whatever feelings her daughter feels at whatever time they surface. 

For me, I will say Happy Father's Day to three wonderful daddies that are now in Heaven; my daddy, Dillon's daddy, and Cheyenne's daddy. We all love you and miss you every day.

Dad, you raised me to be a strong, loving, and independent woman that puts God and family above all else. Thank you for all you and mom did for me and the values you instilled in me; I love you and miss you both so much!

Rich, you helped me build a good foundation based on Christian principles that are part of who our son is becoming. You were a loving, playful, and faithful daddy to our little boy. You brought many people into his life that are helping care for him today. I will always love you and be grateful to you for your knowledge and love that you passed on to our son.
BJ, this is still raw for me and I don't even know how to do anything but express my love and loss for you. Next Tuesday, on your dad's birthday, it will be eight months since you went Home to be with Jesus.  Sigh…on your dad's birthday. I continually pray for him as he feels this loss in many different ways than I do. A father-son bond is unique and yours most definitely was. Son, you were a wonderful dad full of love for your little girl. She misses you like crazy. In your short time with us you accomplished many things, but your greatest accomplishment and gift to this world is your daughter, Cheyenne. I love looking through all the pictures of the two of you together, from birth through the last weekend with her. Our last phone call, October 17th, when the two of you told me all about her Halloween costume you had ordered for her. You were both so excited. You created so many memories with her in your short time together and I know you are her angel above keeping her safe. I love you son and miss you so much. Happy Father's Day honey.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Happy Birthday Princess of Prineville

6/8/10...that is the day you were born our sweet Cheyenne Leilani!

As soon as your parents new the "due date" for your arrival, your daddy kept saying, "she'll be here on 6/8/10 and I will NEVER forget her birthday!"  And sure enough, I got a phone call at about 6 o'clock in the morning on 6/8/10 that your mom and dad were at the hospital and I should head over the mountain if I wanted to be there when you made your way into the world. Ummmm, YES! I showered, jumped in the truck, picked up a friend, and I was east bound and down. We'll just say, it was a quick trip! I did arrive safely and in plenty of time to be there when you entered the world! That day, by far, was the greatest day in your daddy's life little princess!

Today, seven years later, you are growing into a beautiful and independent little girl. This is your first birthday with your daddy in Heaven but rest assured, he is with you today and every single day. He watches you from above, in amazement of how beautiful you are, how witty you are, and how brave you are. The hardest thing a child ever has to face is the loss of a parent, and for your Uncle Dillon the hardest day of the year for him to face is his birthday. A day that was always spent in some part with his dad, a day that he has to face each year knowing his dad is watching him from Heaven.

Cheyenne, our Princess of Prineville, we wish you a day filled with love, joy, and happy moments. I ask God to protect your heart from any pain or heartache that may try to enter it today and that He fill you with joy knowing your daddy is with you every single minute of every single day, especially your special day, your birthday.  You are loved by many. Happy Birthday Princess of Prineville! 💕

Monday, June 5, 2017

You Should Be Here...

My oldest son William had an orthodontist appointment on October 21st and he had just gotten home to tell me all was good before he went back to school...when I got the call from a friend of ours. I could tell something was wrong in his voice. When he was finally able to tell me that you were gone all I could say was, "oh God no!!!" I was just in shock; my knees gave out. How could this possibly be?! 

"I can't believe it's been 7 months since that day and we all love and miss you so much."

We keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going; whatever that really means. I don't know, but even still... a certain song will remind us of you or something happens in the day or just a big white Ford truck drives by and there you are again. Your memory floods into my mind again and sometimes I smile thinking of all the good things that has happened; the trip you took with Cheyenne and your mom to go visit Kyle and his wife... that is so awesome that you guys went! The two camping trips you came on that summer (none of us knowing it would be your last camping trips with us) but sometimes it gets to be too much and I still cry.

And I know that you have loved ones who are hurting far more than I am and my heart breaks for them too. I pray for all of your friends and family; that we may hold you in our hearts forever, but not be sad anymore because you're not sad. I know you're in a good place so until we see you again... love always, Charlie, Kristy, William, Brooklyn, Waylan, and Greg Hall ❤

Cell phones use MP4 File

 "When Kristy told me that Charlie listens to "You Should Be Here" nearly every day it broke my heart, it inspired me, and it overfilled my heart with joy that one single person…a man…a brother could love my son so much that his memories of BJ are so ingrained in him that he keeps him alive in his heart with one simple song. One song, that after listening to it and watching the video, inspired me to honor Charlie and Kristy's memory of BJ with a video clip to the song, "You Should Be Here" by Cole Swindell. I hope you enjoy this tribute and find some peace in your heart today." Mama Peggy

#AroundTheBonfire #RememberingBJ

Friday, June 2, 2017

Laughter Can Be the Best Medicine

Friday, April 28, 2017

Today was a good Friday…not thee Good Friday, but a good day for me. I enjoyed the surroundings of a vintage themed coffee shop with a neighbor I am just getting to know. We talked about many things and much of the conversation was about you, BJ. She didn't know you or even have the chance to ever meet you, but she has a young adult daughter and I know she can sense the heartache I might be feeling as she is still one of the lucky parents out there that cannot even imagine losing their child. I was one of those parents up until Oct. 21, 2017…the day my world crashed. I can see with the tear she sheds as she talks about the anxiety she feels each time her daughter leaves the house; especially during winter weather. Truth be known, accidents happen every single second of every single day and someone loses someone. Until it happens you really can't even fathom the impact it has on you, on your everyday life, on nearly every thought that enters your head. But this Friday I am blogging about was a good day for me. 

The day really began yesterday, when I decided to take the plunge and use my cell phone "upgrade" that is no longer a "Free Upgrade", but simply a "you are no longer on contract and can buy a new phone at full price…on monthly payments and we won't even charge you interest…upgrade". Regardless, my current phone is a Windows Phone and even though I have had a WP for nearly six years and have loved its integration with all my other Microsoft accounts and documents; this phone has not been such a pleasure to have. So, I am "upgrading" to an Android, where I can have access to apps that everyone else has…unless you have a WP! :)  First things first; I cannot lose all my text messages from BJ or Rich (Dillon's dad in Heaven). I just can't!  For me, I hang on to every little piece of them and text messages, well that is a piece. It brings me joy and sometimes a whole lot of laughter to read through some of our conversations. But how in the world do you get your text messages off your phone…a WP…no, there's not an app or a program for it. So, after brainstorming and push come to shove, I bit the bullet and decided to screen shot them all. After all, photos auto save to my cloud…win/win! Well, I cannot even tell you how long I was "screen shotting" BJ's texts but it was a while. But yay, they are now ALL saved!  However, I then found out that screen shots aren't auto saved…stupid Microsoft! But, hey, I can email the photos easier than figuring out how to email the text conversation…yea, I went down that road too! So, Friday morning (this Friday morning, April 28th) I sent ALL … are you ready for this … ALL 468 text conversation photos to my own email!  They are now safely tucked away on my external hard drive in my safe!  They went back to August 2013 and oh my gosh…even though I did not even come close to reading them all (as I was a screen shot clicking robot) some caught my eye and I found myself rolling in laughter at some of the stuff we said to each other. I have no doubt he is the Angel of Humor in Heaven! So, thank you God for the needed resources to figure it out and the patience to sit and click for a while. I am relieved to know that "piece" of BJ will be with me forever. Now…it's on to saving text messages from Rich…something I can share with Dillon one day and a piece of his dad we will have forever.

You must understand this conversation, about my green kitchen garbage can that I no longer needed, was intended for Bryan NOT BJ. No doubt, he was shaking his head (with a smile on his face) thinking mom's losing it! I can't even begin to tell you how many texts I found that said, "Oops, wrong son!!! LOL".  As much as I laughed the day I wrote these texts, I laughed just as hard when I was screen shotting them on this day. In the midst of tragedy, it is always good when one can find something to laugh about...even old text messages!  Texts can be annoying, but for me they are a treasure.
And why would Bryan want my green kitchen garbage can, you ask??? We were just moving into our own homes after sharing a place for 2+ years, so I could help care for his kids while he was adjusting to life as a single dad. I couldn't use the garbage can and was just letting him know he could have it if he needed it. Let's just say the garbage can found a new home and a clean break from the family! 😏

#Forget-YOU-NotFriday #RememberingBJ