Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Celebration of Our Independence

Independence Day... a federal holiday in the United States. Our country; now 241 years old of declaring our independence as a nation…"ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL". This day can mean different things to different people, but to most everyone it means a celebration of our country, of our flag, of our beginning.  Bill and I raised BJ and Bryan to believe in our great nation, believe in our fore fathers, and to respect the flag. We also celebrated every year with campouts, lots of fireworks, and family. Our boys carried on that foundation with celebrations of their own. I have rarely spent a 4th of July with BJ and Bryan since they became adults.  Once they got married and had families of their own it was time to start their own traditions and teach their off springs the importance of our great nation, the history of our independence, and the celebrations that come along with that.

Last year, was BJ's last 4th of July and his first 4th of July post marriage. He was so excited to share with me that he went to a campout celebration, over the weekend. One that he had not went to in years. Out in the country, by a river, with a LOT of fireworks.  He realized how much he had missed doing that over the last several years. But sometimes, when we are married or in a committed relationship, our priorities change and so do our celebrations…it was no different for BJ. He was committed to his family and they often travelled over our Independence Day.  Being a free spirit and "independent" man, last year he also hooved about 65 miles across the Willamette Valley to provide a celebratory display with his St. Helens family. I have no doubt everyone that spent last year with him will reminisce about last year and who is missing this year. As I have said many times, "he has an infectious personality" and most everyone was his friend.

Thankfully for me, this holiday isn't one of the more emotional ones. I have childhood memories spent with Bill, BJ, and Bryan. I will always have those memories. I have been very thankful to be surrounded by family this weekend, spending time cooking, decorating, having a campfire, making people feel special, and basically keeping preoccupied with the good things in life.

My thoughts have been with Bryan knowing he spent this weekend camping at one of our favorite areas and a place he last went with BJ. I know he struggles with this loss; he lost his big brother! It doesn't matter how often they were together or how often they spoke. They are brothers and brothers are for life and that doesn't change when one of them dies. If anything, that connection becomes stronger, more precious, and more gut wrenching. He can no longer pick up the phone to call him, he can longer sit and have a beer with him, and he can not reminisce about their childhood. Bryan has lost a lot and for that my heart aches. Bryan is strong, but strength often gives way to heartache. 

To BJ's brothers, friends, and family that are having a particularly difficult time on this celebratory day; whether it is because you are missing him or missing someone else…I pray for peace over your heart and a refocus to the love of our great nation; The United States of America. And, if you hear any undetectable loud booms it might just be BJ letting you know he is with us. God Bless America, land of the free because of the brave and God Bless You and your loved ones. Happy Birthday America!

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